Clove Oil

Clove is the valuable spice that has been used for centuries as food preservative. This plant represents one of the richest source of phenolic compounds such as Eugenol, Eugenol acetate and Gallic acid and possess great potential for nutraceutical, cosmetic, food and agricultural applications. A predominant bioactive phytochemical present is eugenol.

Culinary uses of clove include as a flavouring addition to meats, especially ham and stewed fruits.

It also finds application in perfumes, oral products, and soaps. Clove essential oil has received considerable interest due to its wide application in the perfume, cosmetic, health, medical, flavouring, and food industries.

Clove essential oil has biological activity relevant to human health, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, and insecticidal activity.

Eugenol is a volatile compound with a strong odour, and an intense flavour.

Clove oil is used to treat dental pain for centuries. It gives numbing sensation to the gum and alleviates the pain while ensuring in the dental treatment the gums are clean and well-treated.

Clove oil is flammable and it is not toxic hence used in scented candles.

Sources : Flower buds of Syzygium aromaticum plant


  • It is used in pickles, curries, pies, salads, and spiced alcoholic beverages.


  • Using the oil as a spray is an easy way to add the spicy scent of clove to a room.


  • Dabbing clove oil onto your sore tooth may help to relieve the pain. clove oil has been used for easing digestive upset, relieving pain, and helping with respiratory conditions.